01993 775063

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Useful Information

Tax Codes explained

BR - All income is taxed at the basic rate (currently 20%).

OT - All income is taxed at the appropriate rate with no personal allowance. This is used often where there is a 2nd job.

DO - All income is taxed at the Higher Rate of tax (currently 40%). Often used for a 2nd job or pension.

D1 - All income is taxed at the additional rate of tax (currently 45%). Often used for a 2nd job or pension.

NT - No tax is taken from income.

L - Basic Personal Allowance has been applied.

T - HMRC need to review the code.

M - Marriage Allowance - you've received 10% of your partner's Personal Allowance

N - Marriage Allowance - you've transferred 10% of your Personal Allowance to your partner

K - Total allowances are less than total deductions, effectively a negative code.

S - Your income is taxed using the rates in Scotland

C - Your income is taxed using the rates in Wales


Note: Notices of codings are no longer copied to your Tax Agent due to HMRC cost cutting measures so please ensure you provide your agent with a copy so that they can check that the correct code is being applied.

Income Tax Tables

2024/25 Taxable Income Income Rate Dividend Rate
Starting Savings Rate * 0 - 5,000 0% 0%
Basic Rate 0 - 37,700 20% 8.75%
Higher Rate 37,701- 125,140 40% 33.75%
Additional Rate > 125,140 45% 39.35%

Child Benefit charge  is 1% of benefit for each £200 of income over £60,000 

* The starting savings rate only applies to savings income. If an individual's taxable non-savings income is above the starting rate limit, then the starting rate for savings will not be available for savings income.

Dividend Allowance £500 (2023/24 £1,000) effectively taxed at 0%

For 2024/25 for Scottish taxpayers different rates and thresholds apply

2023/24 Taxable Income Income Rate Dividend Rate
Starting Savings Rate * 0 - 5,000 0% 0%
Basic Rate ** 0 - 37,700 20% 8.75%
Higher Rate 37,701- 125,140 40% 33.75%
Additional Rate > 125,140 45% 39.35%

* The starting savings rate only applies to savings income. If an individual's taxable non-savings income is above the starting rate limit the 0% starting rate will not apply.

** For 2021/22 for Scottish taxpayers the basic rate band is £31092 (2020/21 £30,930). This applies only to non-savings, non-dividend income.

Income Tax Reliefs 2024/25 2023/24
Personal Allowance 12,570 12,570
Personal Allowance – if born before 6/4/1935 12,570 12,570
(reduce PA by £1 for every £2 adjusted net income over £100,000)
Married Couple's Allowance (relief 10%) if born before 6/4/1935 11,080 10,375
Married Couple's Allowance (relief 10%) minimum amount 4,280 4,010
Age Allowance Income Limit - (reduce allowance by £1 for every £2 of adjusted net income over threshold) 37,000 34,600
Transferable Tax allowance for married couples & civil partners 1,260 1,260
Dividend Allowance (0% rate to income within the allowance) 500 1,000
Savings Allowance – Basic rate taxpayers (0% rate to income within the allowance) 1,000 1,000
Savings Allowance – Higher rate taxpayers (0% rate to income within the allowance) 500 500
Trading Allowance 1,000 1,000
Property Income Allowance 1,000 1,000
Rent a Room limit 7,500 7,500

Other Tax Tables

Corporation Tax Rates 2024/25 2023/24
Corporation Tax - main rate (where profits > £250,000) 25% 25%
Corporation Tax - small profits rate (where profits > £50,000) 19% 19%
Capital Gains Tax 2024/25 2023/24
Annual exemption 3,000 6,000
Tax rate – to basic rate limit 10% 10%
Tax rate – above basic rate 20% 20%
Tax rate – to basic rate limit (on residential property) 18% 18%
Tax rate – above basic rate limit (on residential property) 28% 28%
Business Asset Disposal Relief – up to lifetime limit of £1 million 10% 10%
Value Added Tax 2024/25 2023/24
VAT Registration Threshold 90,000 85,000
Rate 20% 20%

Key Dates 2024/25

Self Assessment

31 July 2024 - 2nd payment on account for 2024/25

5 October 2024 - Deadline for notifying HMRC of new sources of income if no tax return issued for 2023/24

31 October 2024 - Deadline for submission of 2023/24 paper returns.

31 January 2025 - Deadline for filing electronic returns for 2024/25. Balancing payment for 2023/24 and 1st payment on account for 2024/25


19 May - Final RTI submission due to HMRC for year to 5 April 2024

31 May - Forms P60 due to employees for year to 5 April 2024

6 July - Forms P11d, P9d, P11d (b) due to HMRC (with copies to employees) for year ended 5 April 2024

19 July - Class 1A NIC due for year ended 5 April 2024

19 October - Class 1B NIC due for year ended 5 April 2024